Umami Larder comes from humble beginnings, with an emphasis on the countryside, looking after the land and making food with family at its centre.

From humble beginnings...

There's a story behind every new beginning, so here's the one behind Umami Larder. Thank you for being on this journey with us.

Embarking on this new foodie venture has been a very long time coming, some would say years in the making.

My family, friends, and neighbours have all been recipients of the creative streak that runs in my veins: from baskets of organic produce grown in my vegetable garden to the many sauces and preserves that have come from my kitchen. Sewing & pattern making, arts & crafts, herbal medicine, hairdressing, and of course cooking, cooking, and more cooking have all long been part of my creative portfolio.

We make artisan food items for the modern foodie.

A dream in the making...

My lifetime love affair with country life, growing fresh produce, and eating healthy whole foods is a credit to my parents and grandparents. I understood from a young age where our food came from: vegetables from our home garden, meat from the farm, baking from the kitchen, and home-cooked meals in abundance enjoyed around the family table, often loud and full of antics. For this I am eternally grateful.

Fast forward many years to the annual ritual of making Christmas goodies from my kitchen. After creating a moreish luxury blend of seeds and nuts roasted in my secret spices for presents and our Christmas table each year, I’ve received comments like, “You really should turn these goodies into a little business and share them with the world.”

Holly (left) and Colleen (right) are the mother-daughter team behind Umami Larder and sit on outdoor furniture on a sunny autumn day sipping a glass of wine.

We're a mother-daughter team.

It was after having my daughter, Holly, and her fiancé, Umesh, home from the UK for several months in 2021, that I got the final nudge I needed. I felt the strong desire to once again work for myself, from home, in the countryside. As the saying goes, “it’s all about timing”.

Holly and I knew building a brand would take both our strengths, collaborating from different sides of the globe. While I've worked on product development, Holly has been my other half, building the website and navigating the online world of social media, marketing and branding.

We both felt strongly about sourcing organic or spray-free produce, using premium quality whole foods, avoiding preservatives, and sourcing compostable and recyclable packaging. It made sense to team up to build a mother-daughter company we could be proud of, together.

We're a mother-daughter team and proud to be a small female owned and operated business.

We make what we like, and we like what we make.

Our ethos is clear. We strive to work with the best ingredients, prepared in small batches with love and care, using environmentally friendly packaging. This aligns with our morals and values, and frankly is what our planet needs and deserves. So, it is with immense pleasure, love, excitement—and a healthy dose of fear— that we have  launched our new brand: Umami Larder.

I hope you will support my longtime dream of a little foodie business and enjoy using our products in your kitchens.

Bon appétit,


Want to know more?

Get in touch with us via message on Instagram or email at